MeasureOne Blog

7 gig economy trends and predictions in 2024

Written by Kristin Allton, MeasureOne | Jan 29, 2024 6:57:51 PM

Key takeaways:

  • The gig economy is reshaping the workforce, offering flexibility for both workers and businesses, and is projected to continue growing in 2024.
  • Key trends shaping the gig economy include the rise of remote work, technological advancements, changing work models, increased demand for worker benefits and protections, globalization of opportunities, and evolving regulations.
  • Our own predictions? Enhanced protections for gig workers, integration of blockchain for secure transactions, growth in niche markets, and increased collaboration between gig workers and traditional businesses.

Gig work is here to stay–it’s reshaping the way people work and how businesses operate. Gig work, characterized by short-term and flexible employment, has become a significant aspect of the modern workforce. As we step into 2024, it's crucial to examine the current state of gig work and explore the trends that are shaping its future.


What is gig work?

Gig work refers to employment arrangements where individuals take on short-term, flexible jobs, often mediated by digital platforms. It includes freelancers, independent contractors, and temporary workers who perform tasks ranging from graphic design to ride-sharing. So why is it so popular amongst workers and businesses?

Well, in a nutshell, the gig economy offers flexibility for both workers and employers. Workers can choose when and where they work, while businesses can tap into a diverse pool of talent without the commitment of traditional employment. The gig economy has become a cornerstone of economic activity, influencing sectors from technology to healthcare.

As of today, the gig economy is thriving, and it doesn’t look like there’s any slowing down— 40% of gig workers are optimistic about the growth of their roles within the economy. The rise of digital platforms has facilitated the connection between gig workers and businesses, making it easier for individuals to find opportunities and for companies to access specialized skills on-demand. However, this landscape is dynamic and ripe for change, with several trends shaping the future of gig work.


7 gig economy trends to keep in mind for businesses

1. Rise of remote work

The gig economy has witnessed a surge in remote opportunities, allowing individuals to work from anywhere. This trend has been accelerated by advancements in technology, making it feasible for gig workers to contribute to projects without geographical constraints.

2. Impact of technology on remote gig work

Technological innovations such as cloud computing and collaborative tools have enhanced the remote gig experience. Gig workers now have access to advanced tools that streamline their work, while businesses can efficiently manage remote teams and projects.

3. Gig worker flexibility

Flexibility remains a fundamental aspect of gig work. Individuals are drawn to gig opportunities because of the freedom to set their schedules and choose projects that align with their skills and interests.

4. Changing gig work models

The gig economy is evolving beyond traditional models. Platforms are experimenting with new structures, including task-based gigs, subscription-based models, and hybrid arrangements that combine elements of traditional and gig employment.

5. Demand for gig worker benefits and protections

As the gig economy matures, there is an increasing demand for better protections for gig workers. Issues such as fair compensation, access to benefits, and workplace safety are gaining prominence. To attract and retain talent, some gig platforms are starting to offer benefits traditionally associated with full-time employment, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and professional development opportunities.

6. Globalization of gig opportunities

 Advancements in technology and the removal of geographical barriers enable gig workers to access international markets. This globalization opens up new opportunities but also presents challenges related to cultural differences and regulatory complexities. Global gig workers face challenges related to diverse regulations and cultural nuances. However, the prospect of accessing a broader range of projects and clients creates exciting opportunities for those willing to navigate this landscape.

7. Regulatory changes and legislative developments

Governments at the state and federal levels recognize the need to regulate the gig economy. Legislative developments aim to strike a balance between providing gig workers with essential protections and ensuring the continued growth of gig platforms. The regulatory landscape will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of gig work. Striking the right balance will be crucial for fostering a fair and sustainable gig economy.


MeasureOne’s predictions for 2024

Enhanced gig worker protections

The year 2024 is likely to see an increased focus on providing gig workers with enhanced protections, addressing concerns related to fair pay, benefits, and working conditions.

Integration of blockchain in gig platforms

Blockchain technology may play a significant role in enhancing trust and security in gig transactions. Smart contracts and transparent payment systems could become standard features in gig platforms.

Growth of niche gig markets

Specialized gig markets catering to niche skills and industries are expected to grow. These markets will provide opportunities for highly skilled gig workers to find projects tailored to their expertise.

Increased collaboration between gig workers and traditional businesses

As the gig economy becomes more integrated into the mainstream workforce, we anticipate increased collaboration between gig workers and traditional businesses. This collaboration will bridge gaps and create a more inclusive and dynamic work environment.


For businesses that hire gig workers, use MeasureOne to stay ahead of trends

Hiring and onboarding gig workers comes with regulatory risk and compliance complexities for businesses despite the flexibility they serve. Verifying your gig worker is permissible to work, including through background checks, verified auto insurance, and more, is essential to lower the risk associated with their hiring. For businesses that hire workers for last-mile delivery, ride-share, or food delivery, auto insurance plays a key role in delivering compliant work.

Luckily, with MeasureOne, verifying that data just got so much easier. Automating your verification processes with MeasureOne brings numerous benefits to both your business and gig workers, including:

  1. Easier employee onboarding: Integrate verification via API within an onboarding flow to instantly gather and verify the auto insurance for prospective gig drivers. 
  2. Re-verification of auto insurance: Using scheduled, automated API queries and notifications, periodically and regularly check the status of employees' insurance coverage. If coverage lapses or changes, be updated and take action immediately.
  3. Fraud mitigation and reduced risk: Analyze historical data and identify patterns indicative of insurance fraud using automated primary source data. 

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