Collegiate Esports

One platform to verify student enrollment, credits completed, and more for collegiate esports competitions

Secure your tournaments with college student enrollment verification using the MeasureOne platform

Check student academic standing and credit completion to ensure competitors are permissible

Use student verification to group competitors properly for organized competition


Instant Academic Data Collection

Your one-stop-shop for student enrollment data


A powerful platform

Integrate once with MeasureOne's API and access any relevant academic documents that live in students’ online accounts 


Single, easy user experience

Verify academic data and collect the enrollment information from students with one consistent UX


Full Automation

Enhance your distribution and analysis processes with access to any data that has associated credentials


Leading coverage

Offering most coverage in the US and Canada for academic data


Consumer privacy guarantee

All data consumer approved


Document Processing

Get an optimal combination of deterministic parsing and AI for 100% accuracy.


The API solution

Integrate any way you want or need, including via the only API integration for academic verification available in the industry

Get Started with Collegiate Esports Academic Data Collection Software

From small business to enterprise, integration solutions for everybody

Portal Icon

MeasureOne Dashboard

No-code required to request, access, and verify the data you need in one centralized location

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3rd Party Platforms

MeasureOne integrates with third party platforms allowing for easier integration and deployment using your existing operational workflow

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Integrate the consumer experience natively into your application. Results will automatically populate your platform

Flexible Academic Data Collection


Receive any of the academic and enrollment data you require directly from a student’s account


Document processing with 100% accuracy for all enrollment and academic information when users upload documents directly


Access real-time, up to date data with the highest level of accuracy directly from a user's online account


Reports are 100% configurable to your business needs


Collegiate Esports Customers

Trusted by 90+ brands, MeasureOne is the leading platform for instant access to and verification of consumer data for collegiate esports, including eFuse.


Ready to automate?

Let us show you a better way to access and verify consumer data for your business

We just launched Renters Insurance Verification! 

Learn more >>