EP. 4 - Why AI Isn't the (Perfect) Solution

Take a deep dive into AI. While AI can improve efficiency, it is not a complete solution due to its dependence on high-quality data, lack of context, and inability to adapt to novel situations. Hear how to overcome these limitations using a combined approach that integrates AI with deterministic parsing technology to ensure accurate and reliable data processing

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Why AI Isn't the (Perfect) Solution

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Hey, everyone,

Speaker 1  0:00  
you're ready to really dive deep into AI and automation today always ready to dive in.

We're going to be exploring, you know, going beyond just the hype, right? And looking at this really interesting article from measure one's blog, yeah. And it really got me thinking, is AI really the like, the end all be, all of automation, or does it really need a trusty sidekick?

Speaker 2  0:22  
That's the million dollar question, I think. And this article does a great job of, you know, acknowledging the very real strengths of AI, right? But then also saying, You know what it might not be, the solo act everyone thinks it

Speaker 1  0:34  
is exactly and they highlight this by like, they jump right into how businesses are using it to analyze, like, massive amounts of data, like we're talking terabytes of information, which to put it in perspective, it's like trying to speed read your way through an entire library. It's

Speaker 2  0:49  
incredible. Yeah, the amount of data that AI can process is just phenomenal. It really is. And the applications for businesses, as you mentioned the article, specifically mentioned, like predicting equipment failures right before they even happen. Wow. And so that's a game changer, huge in terms of efficiency, cost savings, totally. It's

Speaker 1  1:08  
like mind blowing, you know? And then just when you start to think like, okay, AI can do it all, the article throws in this little nugget about how AI can trip up on something that you know most of us do without even thinking, which is understanding context, yes,

Speaker 2  1:21  
yeah. And I loved how they illustrated this, yeah. I mean, the example they use is AI misinterpreting, like a sarcastic customer comment, oh yeah. And it's like, oh yeah, of course. AI can recognize patterns in data, right? But it can sometimes miss those nuances, those human nuances, exactly that we all understand. I mean, how often do we rely on tone of voice or even facial expression all the time to really grasp right what somebody means all

Speaker 1  1:50  
the time? And in fact, that reminds me this one time I was trying to use an AI chat bot to like draft a social media post, okay for friends business and oh my gosh, it was a disaster. It was so bad, the bot totally missed the like we were going for playful tongue in cheek, yeah, you know. And it was just it sounded so awkward and unprofessional. It was really bad.

Speaker 2  2:13  
Yeah, the perfect example, context is everything, yeah, you know. And AI thrives on data, right? But data without that context can be can lead to some, should we say, interesting results. 

Speaker 1  2:25  
Yeah, sometimes humorous, sometimes not so humorous, exactly, but yeah, it definitely makes you realize, like, even with all its advancements, AI still needs some level of, like, you know, human oversight, especially when it comes to those tasks that require a nuanced understanding of language and intent,

Speaker 2  2:41  
absolutely, you always need a human in the loop, at least for now. And it's not just about context. I mean, the quality of the data itself, oh, right, plays a huge role. I mean, if you're feeding an AI system inaccurate or biased data, it's like garbage in, garbage out, right?

Speaker 1  2:55  
Totally, totally. But here's where I think things get really interesting, and this is where the article kind of takes this turn. Is they introduce this other technology, deterministic parsing as sort of this reliable sidekick to AI, yes. Have you ever heard of deterministic parsing? Deterministic parsing?

Speaker 2  3:14  
Oh, yeah, definitely. Okay, so, I mean, think of it this way, when you like, fill out a form online, yeah, you expect that information to, you know, land in the right spots, right, right? Your name goes in the Name field, your address, all that, yeah, yeah. So deterministic parsing. It's kind of like it's the, it's the behind the scenes organizer, okay, that makes sure that happens correctly, right, especially when you're talking about structured data, right? Like forms, invoices, contrast, all that, right? It's all about precision, consistency. Gotcha, no mistakes. So it's like, the ultimate rule follower, exactly, okay? It's like, okay, here are the rules. I'm gonna follow. Them to a T, right?

Speaker 1  3:51  
Whereas AI is more about like, you know, seeing the big picture, finding those patterns,

Speaker 2  3:56  
totally, totally and so what I think is really, interesting, and the article does a really good job of this too, is emphasizing that these two technologies are even, like, more powerful when you put them together, right, okay, right? They even call it like a dynamic duo, okay, you know, and it's like you're getting the best of both worlds, right? You've got, like, the analytical genius of AI combined with this, like, unwavering reliability, right,

Speaker 1  4:21  
right? Deterministic parsing. So it's not like an either or. It's like it's a both and, yeah, it's about, how do you leverage the strengths of each executive together, right? Do they give any like, real world examples of how this actually plays out? They

Speaker 2  4:36  
do. They actually highlight measure one itself in the article. Oh, interesting. So apparently they use this, this AI and deterministic tarsing combo in their document processing solutions, specifically for, like, auto insurance verification.

Speaker 1  4:52  
Interesting. So instead of having like, you know, people manually sift through mountains of paperwork, yeah, they've automated it using. Was kind of like this powerful combination. Yep 
they're saving a ton of time, I'm sure, right? Huge time saver.

Speaker 2  5:06  
And, I mean, it's not just speed, it's also accuracy, right, right? The article talks about how this approach helps businesses achieve, like, faster decision making, better outcomes overall, right, right? Because you've minimized that chance of human error, which is, you know, right?

Speaker 1  5:20  
Which is always, there, always a factor, yeah, for sure. Man, it makes you wonder, like, what other areas could this technology duo freely, like, revolutionize? I mean, the article focuses on business, but I'm thinking like, health care, Oh, totally education, even just how we manage our own personal data. Absolutely,

Speaker 2  5:40  
the possibilities are pretty much endless when you start thinking about it, right? I mean, imagine AI helping doctors make faster and more accurate diagnoses. Wow, or personalizing education plans for students based on, like, their own learning style. Yeah, it's very cool. And then, of course, there's the whole, you know, data privacy angle, like, Could this combination give us more control over how our information is used and protected, right? I mean, it's a lot of think about it is. It's a whole other, as you said, deep dive, yeah, waiting to happen, but Right,

Speaker 1  6:10  
exactly, yeah, yeah, no, for sure, another deep dive, yeah. But I think, like, for now, the key takeaway is we're really, like, at the tip of the iceberg, yeah, when it comes to what's possible with, you know, blending AI with something like deterministic parsing, absolutely kind of get the best of both worlds, yeah.

Speaker 2  6:30  
And I think this article, you know, more than anything, just emphasizes that, you know, yeah, you need to be thinking critically about technology, recognizing that no tool is perfect, right, right? Even the most advanced tools have their limitations, right? And sometimes the best solutions come from combining those seemingly different approaches, yeah, in new and unexpected ways. Totally. It's

Speaker 1  6:53  
like that. You know that old saying, two heads are better than one, but in this case, it's two technologies are better than one, or whatever. I like it. So I guess you know, for anyone listening who maybe feels like a little overwhelmed by all the AI hype, yeah, it's important to remember like, it's not always about replacing human intelligence, right? It's about finding ways to, like, augment it, enhance it, right, with the right tools for the job. Yeah?

Speaker 2  7:19  
Working smarter, not harder, as they say, there you go. And I think this partnership between AI and deterministic parsing is, you know, a perfect example of that. It really is. It's not always the flashiest or the most, you know, talked about solution that gets the best result right. Sometimes it's that kind of like quiet achiever, right, working diligently behind the scenes. Yeah,

Speaker 1  7:41  
I like that. That's a good point to, like, kind of wrap things up on, yeah, you know, to sum it all up, AI is super powerful, yeah, but it's not magic. And when it's paired up with technologies like, you know what we talked about today, deterministic parsing, it unlocks, like, even greater potential, right? Yeah, it does absolutely streamline processes, improve accuracy, make smarter decisions, make

Speaker 1  8:05  
better decisions, faster, faster. Yeah, absolutely. Well, hey, thanks for joining us for this deep dive into AI and automation until next time. Thanks for having me.

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