Consumer-Permissioned Data Platform

The best way to use Consumer-Permissioned Data for verification, marketing, credit decisioning, and more.

How It Works

Business Requests Consumer Data
The business asks the consumer to share specific personal data, which may include: insurance policy details, student enrollment status, degree(s) earned, current salary, or recent employer and job title.

Consumer Gives Permission and Access
The consumer gives permission to MeasureOne to access their personal data. The consumer securely shares login credentials via the MeasureOne platform.

Accessing Consumer-Permissions Data
Once connected, MeasureOne retrieves the consumer-permissioned data, which may include: insurance decs pages, transcripts, student profile information, payroll stubs, earning statements, or employee profile information.

Consumer Gives Permission and Access
The consumer gives permission to MeasureOne to access their personal data to satisfy the data request. The consumer securely shares login credentials for their online account via the MeasureOne platform.

Our powerful platform combines consumer-permissioned data and document processing to deliver the data you need.


Consumer-Permissioned Data Platform-as-a-Service

MeasureOne has created the industry’s first consumer-permissioned data platform-as-a-service, covering a wide range of data types including education, income, employment, insurance and more.

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A Powerful Platform

Integrate once with MeasureOne's API and access any data that lives in consumers’ online accounts. Extensible service layer with direct heuristic, and ML-based data processing.

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Real Time Results

Consumer data requests can be fulfilled and delivered in seconds.


Seamless Integration

Our developer friendly data API enables easy access to consumer data with flexible integration options including zero-code hosted solutions.



Unparalleled data source coverage across a wide range of data types and geographies.

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Consumer Privacy Guarantee

Any consented, shared information is separated from source data.

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Custom Verification

MeasureOne’s consumer-permissioned data platform is not limited to current solutions. Speak with a specialist for specialized data solution.

Instantly connect to your users’ data with the MeasureOne platform
Breakthrough processing speeds
MeasureOne is built for instant data access and verification
Turnaround times
Improve your manual processing times with seamless automation
Support for 2Fa, Captcha, and more
Give your users an optimal experience that converts
The MeasureOne platform combines best-in-class consumer-permissioned data and document upload workflows for optimal success rates
User can’t login? Automated Document Processing Fallback
  • Deterministic processing guarantees 100% accuracy for structured documents – PDF, HTML, JSON, XML, and more
  • OCR for unstructured documents and images with confidence metrics at the attribute level to inform your review process
  • Extensible to any document type
  • Seamlessly integrated with MeasureOne credentialed solution for optimal conversion
  • Proprietary MeasureOne tech keeps costs low while enabling full customization
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117,000+ data sources and growing
in the US and abroad
100% Coverage of US Employees for Income and Employment
4.5x The Industry Average for Payroll Coverage
75% More Coverage than the Next Leading Provider
99% Coverage of US Higher Education
100% Coverage of Insurance Providers
4.2M+ Documents Processed
100% Coverage of US Employees for Income and Employment
4.5x The Industry Average for Payroll Coverage
75% More Coverage than the Next Leading Provider
99% Coverage of US Higher Education
100% Coverage of Insurance Providers
4.2M+ Documents Processed

Top-Tier Security

Constant bank-level encryption
Leading industry security certification
Real-time monitoring against attacks
Globally enabled information
Flexible integration with developer-friendly API
Highly scalable, patent pending system

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is a consumer-permissioned data request?

Consumer-permissioned data introduces a new relationship between the consumer, the requesting business, and their data. By working with a consumer-permissioned data platform, like MeasureOne, the consumer provides secure access to their data, but consents to sharing ONLY the necessary information with the requesting business.

The platform plays two roles in the transaction: (1) it ensures that only the permissioned information is shared with the requesting business, and (2) it guarantees the provenance of the data to the requesting business. 

By using a consumer-permissioned data model, the consumer maintains control over their data. They can safely and securely share their information, knowing that only the necessary, specifically-requested information is disclosed to the requesting business. 

Using consumer-permissioned data is beneficial for the requesting business too. When they take advantage of CPD, businesses get:

  • Access to any consumer data in an online account including income, employment, education, insurance, brokerage data, and more
  • Real-time data from primary sources ensuring 100% accurate and up-to-date data
  • Automation of traditionally manual data collection processes
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Is individual data reused?

No, we pull fresh data every time. We only get consent to pull data for that particular request. The same individual coming two different times to MeasureOne would be two new requests.

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What if the applicant doesn't remember their login credentials?

We provide a direct link to the exact webpage on the account website to recover/reset login credentials.

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Are applicants comfortable sharing their credentials?

We are seeing near 100% participation in the process. There is also a strong precedent for consumers sharing access to much more sensitive data in return for some benefit to them.

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What happens if the consumer never completes the process?

Best practice with our customers is to use MeasureOne as the primary solution. If for whatever reason, a consumer is unable to connect to their online account, they have the ability to upload the requested documentation for us to process and provide the data directly to you. 

If for whatever reason the consumer still fails to complete the process, we recommend falling back to your current solution after a defined time frame.

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How long does it take to get the data results?

Results are instant once a consumer connects their online account to the MeasureOne platform. 

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Does MeasureOne have a support team for consumers?

Yes! Our support team is available 24/7 to answer consumer questions.

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Can I use MeasureOne via TazWorks or Accio?

Yes, we are fully integrated with TazWorks and Accio to make your workflow seamless.

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Can I white-label your service?

Yes!  For more information, schedule a demo.

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What if I, or my clients, don’t want the consumer to be involved in the process?

Consumers, now more than ever, want to be involved in who collects their data and where it’s being shared.  In fact, in our own survey of consumers, 82% of consumers said being involved was important to them. 

We just launched Renters Insurance Verification! 

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