What is a consumer-permissioned data platform?
Consumer-Permissioned Data introduces a new relationship between the consumer and their data. By working with a Consumer-Permissioned data platform, like MeasureOne, the consumer provides secure access to their insurance data, but consents to sharing ONLY the necessary information with the requesting business.
The platform plays two roles in the transaction: (1) it ensures that only the permissioned information is shared with the requesting business, and (2) it guarantees the source of the data to the requesting business. Most importantly, unlike information gathering agents that work on behalf of the requesting business, the platform is working on behalf of the consumer.
By using a Consumer-Permissioned data model, the consumer maintains control over their insurance data. They can safely and securely share their information, knowing that only the necessary, specifically-requested information is disclosed to the requesting business.
What type of documentation is able to be uploaded and processed using MeasureOne's document processing solution?
MeasureOne’s document upload feature offers full support and 100% accuracy for structured documents - PDF, HTML, JSON, XML, and more.
MeasureOne also supports unstructured documents and images via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and provides confidence metrics at the attribute level to inform your review process.
This means you get proprietary and deterministic document processing for paystubs, W2s, 1099s, transcripts, insurance decs pages and policies, and more.
How do I get started if I want to use MeasureOne’s API integration?
You will need API Keys to use the MeasureOne platform. Reach out to sales@measureone.com for more information on generating the API keys. View our API documents for all other API information.
Can I get access to the original documents?
Yes. You can use our APIs to get access to the original documents acquired for the request.
How long does the data collection process take?
Our data shows that most users complete the data request within 24 hours.